Tuesday, January 20, 2009

meds day 34

So meds were a bit of a challenge today. Ian can name each of the meds he has to take and even ID them by syringe. I've stopped doing stickers and moved to giving him a mini m&m after each one. This is working well as he likes to eat them to get the taste of the med out of his mouth. His"favorite" med is actigall and least is diflucan--he will be on this for another 2 months is all.

Baths continue to be a struggle--only since the transplant has this aversion to water. I had Brett bring some rubber ducks from home this weekend to help motivate Ian and it was a bust. I did manage to clip finger and toenails last night. I an didn't like holding still but did it. We used saran wrap for his PICCline again.

He'll get his PICC line dressing changed tomorrow which should be swell.

1 comment:

Nicki said...

Poor guy. Hopefully one day he'll be able to take them in a pill and just swallow the darn thing.