Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 41

According to Ian, one of the first things that he wants to do when we get home is to play engines. This is interesting as he has all of his engines here except for two of them. He plays with them about 4 hours a day. He has such an imagination with them.

Ian has been taking meds like a champ recently again. I am keeping with the mini m&m reward and it seems to be serving us well so far. He does not care for the diflucan at all and it gives him the most trouble. From the start of the meds here at RMH, he has come far and for that I am grateful.

He had a bath last night and we got his hair washed. He didn't fight it too badly as he was able to play with his duckies.

He is still eating string cheese in mass quantities. String cheese, pretzels and chocolate chip cookies--those three things are his main stays right now. He hasn't had yogurt at all since his transplant like he used to which is odd considering he had it for every meal prior to.

We head to clinic tomorrow and Ian knows that his "big bandaid" is getting changed. He keeps asking me if it will hurt and I have tried to be honest about it. Hopefully it will go quickly and he will hold still and that we will have a nurse that he likes....miss jennifer, miss cynthia, or miss satrina are his favorites thus far. He is quite the champ at knowing what to do for triage....blood pressure, tempature, weight, height, pain scale, allergies, etc. We should have lots to report about tomorrow.....

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