Monday, December 22, 2008

Thomas the Train Day 5

Ian and I are watching Thomas the Train Holiday celebration for the second time this morning. The doctors came by for rounds and told Ian he had a new engine inside of him and Ian thought it was a new Thomas engine. Took some explaining to get that straight.

Ian had his central line tape changed today and that was not so swell. Even with the tape removal stuff it was still very unpleasant. I had to wear a little mask over my face when they did that. He also had some tape changed on an IV on his hand and that was actually better.

We've played Critter in the Candy again--a game I brought from home that I've had since my childhood. Ian loves it; especially when I find the Critter.

Ian's labs are still trending down. It may take over a month for him to not be yellow but we can see improvement even now. The doctors said that it usually takes for the bilirubin to get to 1 for them to notice the color change. The surgeon told me not to follow just one or two numbers or I'll go nuts.

Ian is now on a calorie count. If he can eat well enough on his own, he'll stop getting nutrition by IV. He had a pancake and a french toast stick this AM with a carton of chocolate milk. He can also get his NG tube out if he can take all of his meds orally. He hates that tube so we're using it as motivation that if he can do all meds by syringe then it can come out. We'll work on taking at least one med orally a day as he is on so many right now.

Many blessings have come our way and we are so thankful!


Nicki said...

Glad to hear that generally all is going well. We love ya!

Melinda said...

Yeah!!!! So glad things are looking good. All of you---hang in there---And way to go Livy! You guys have the toughtest kids ever! Love ya.

Heather said...

We are here rooting for you Ian we love you and are so grateful for this Christmas miracle