Sunday, December 28, 2008

A fever - Day 11

Ian had a fever last night so we knew that our chances of leaving PICU today were slim. He is doing well overall and fevers, etc. are normal just after transplant. Nonetheless, new blood cultures, samples, etc. were taken and another antibiotic was added. The main medicine, PGE, that he is getting will stop tomorrow morning and if his daily am ultrasound is good then we can in all likelihood move to the transplant floor (aka home to the butterflies). The PGE medication must be given in PICU and that is why we are still in PICU.

We found out that Ian's new liver was a perfect match for size, blood type, vessels, etc. which we are so greatful for. The nurses have commented how lucky we are that Ian's abdomen is fully closed and we now know how lucky we are.

Ian got his arm IV cleaned and new dressing yesterday which he was truly a champ for. Yes, tears of course but given all teh tape trauma he has been through I can understand. We are expecting to find tape residue on him for weeks after we are discharged. Every day there seems to be a new spot. Our nurse yesterday told us to be sure to take some Uni-solve pads home with us so we snagged a few already.

Ian was a great dinner eater yesterday--sliced turkey. He didn't care for teh rice which is odd as he loves rice. He had a few bites of corn and then wanted his chocolate donut. Chocolate milk continues to be high on the favorites list as well.

It will be a great day tomorrow if he can move out of PICU!

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