Saturday, December 27, 2008

Month Day "27" - Day 10

Today is Ian's month day-27. His birthday is June 27 so every 27th of each month since his birth I take a picture on the 27th and scrapbook it to be sure we have a chronology of his growth, accomplishments, etc. (My oldest sister gave me the idea.)

So today's month picture will be pretty special. Usually in December the 27th picture is related to Christmas and this one will be too kind of. Trying to decide when to take it.

We may be moving out of PICU tomorrow and not Monday--it will all depend on Ian's daily ultrasound so we won't know until the day of.

Ian continues to have a very sore bottom from some side effects of an antibiotic that was recently added to his medicine list. He is using hte bathroom so frequently his little bottom is raw. We got some special cream for it this AM and I brought in some soft TP last night. He is even starting to go in his hospital diaper on purpose thinking that it will avoid the wiping of his bum. He doesn't understand that is making it worse...... He is on this antibiotic for five days and that means two more days.

We are watching bob the builder this morning and I am snuggling him on his bed. He got the dressing on his neck line changed last night which is good. The dressing on his arm IV needs changed as well but he is not wanting that now (after the tape trauma) and so we are appeasing him by waiting until tonight to do that.

Ian is taking all his meds much better now. Thank goodness for chocolate milk! He drinks about 4 cartons a day. The nurses are keeping some labled just for him in the fridge on the floor now. Instead of the usual pancakes for breakfast he had fruity cheerios (fruit loops to ian but a bit healthier). I think it was a great change of pace.

Today should be a great day in terms of getting up and out and playing some fun games!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

I'm so glad he will be able to get a little more around today after moving from the picu. Everyone at church was asking about him and so excited for you guys today.