Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Day 7

Ian got on the floor (with a blanket) today to play with a cool train set--not Thomas but still very cool. The track could probably go all the way around his bed but we set it up as to not be in the way as much as possible in the small PICU room. He got on his tummy to play with the engines even--I have a picture of this that I will post when I can download them. I am amazed at how well he is recovering. The physical therapist was with us and she said the best thing that we can do for Ian to "rebuild" is to just play really. He is up and walking to the bathroom now and he is in big boy undies. Clothes are still a bit of a problem just because of the wires and tubes but we are going to try special Christmas jammies tonight.

Ian knows tonight is Santa--still asks about the chimney. I've told him that Santa is so smart that he doesn't always need a chimney. We have his stocking, etc. We are going to leave his Santa presents at the nurses station until he is sleeping to bring them in.

He did OK today with meds by mouth--still a bit of a struggle. We've mixed a few in chocolate milk and yogurt to help them go down so Mary Poppins was right about a spoon full of sugar :) He doesn't seem too keen on the grape flavoring suprisingly and does better with chocolate milk dilution so we're sticking to that.

We'll be decorating a tiny tree I got at Target (which was a mad house today) and reading the Christmas story before I have to leave the PICU tonight. There is magic in the air even here in PICU.


Amy said...

I can't believe you went to Target! I hope you got it 30% off;)
I know it will be magical, even in the PICU-Love to all.

Nicki said...

Merry Christmas to the best little boy in town! We love you Ian.