Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Is it Christmas yet?

Ian is doing very well so far. His bilirubin level keeps falling and he looks less yellow all the time. It could be a month for him to completely normalize.

I've ordered him lunch today and his favorites have returned to the top of the list so today he is having yogurt, string cheese, bread, chocolate milk, cheetos, and a rice crispie treat. He had 45g of protein yesterday and 1200 calories which is great. I have to write everything down that he eats--part of making sure his NG tube can come out.

Ian struggled a bit iwth the steroid this AM by mouth but we're going to try grape flavoring this afternoon to see if that helps.

He hasn't complained about pain really at all which is huge. The nurses comment that he is a tough and brave boy and we know it. They also say that he is super smart. I am sneaking in some "preschool" type things with him each day--looking for letters and numbers on things etc. We play I spy in his room and are starting to run out of things to see.

We're going to try to get him into undies and clothes of some sort today too.

Ian has asked if it is Christmas yet and if Santa will come down the chimney? So sweet and innocent. He doesn't know he already received the best gift ever just a bit early--a new liver! So yes Ian, it is Christmas.


Nicki said...

I love the updates and appreciate having new information to pass on to people who ask. Ian is a well loved little boy because of his perseverance and sweet spirit. Merry Christmas!

Heather said...

This is the best Christmas present I've ever gotten. Knowing Ian is doing well is just making the world seem less off kilter.

Amy said...

Merry Christmas, Ian!

Amy said...

Just stumbled across thsi blog... Congrats guys, and Merry Christmas! He is often in our prayers and thoughts and we are so excited for the progress!!!! YAY!!!
Much love-
the John Schwartz family