Sunday, December 21, 2008

Chocolate Milk on Day 4

Ian got chocolate milk today--he is cleared to eat anything he wants! Chicken nuggets were also requested but he didn't eat any once they arrived. Now that Ian can eat in his PICU room, Brett can as well which is huge in terms of brett eating.

I washed his special blanket today--it had gotten some blood on it earlier--and will be bringing it back to him tonight. I hope to trim his fingernails tonight too as they are ultra scratchy and snipping nails is a "mamma thing".

I opened up his special Thomas the Train holiday DVD to watch today and I must say it was nice to see some new episodes myself! We also went to the website where he helped Harold the Helicopter catch the balloons (his favorite activity choice).

Ian's labs continue to be positive so that is good. He had labs drawn again recently and we are awaiting results. He started prograf yesterday and the doctors are watching for dosage information, etc.

We are so thankful for all those who have been praying for Ian--thank you, thank you, thank you!

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