Thursday, February 19, 2009

Big Band Aid Changed

Today was the day for the weekly labs and the last time (hopefully) for hte big jumbo band aid to be changed on Ian's arm. Brett was again the one to take him so I did't have to witness it but honestly I had enough of that in Atlanta to last me a while. There was a major wreck on I-26 here so they got to the lab appointment late and I got to the Kanagroo (our gas station meeting/transfer point) early as I ditched getting groceries for fear of getting caught in the gnarly traffic. We should have just enough supplies to keep flushing his line until Wednesday at which point the line will be pulled.

There was a lot of commotion two houses down from us today. A bobcat aka digger, was busy working all day in their backyard. We took a walk down to investigate and found out that our "neighbors" are building a pool. We hope to be invited when it is functional. We played with the ball outside but didn't do bubbles today because of the fierce wind gusts.

Ian squeaked a bit tonight about prograf which is unusual as he is normally a champ about that med. We did some Wii Fit together and he weighs in a just over 30 lbs and has a normal Body Mass Index. He does OK with the ski jump and with the soccer ball heading exercises although his true strength is in the Wii Sports bowling where he bowls over 100 regularly, beats me almost every time and has a high of 206 (way better than mine). He also enjoys the golf game and we are trying to teach him about hitting the ball soft vs. not so soft but not hard.

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