Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hospital Stay

Ian has been spiking fevers for the last few days and last night he spiked a fever of 102.6 which anything over 102 our transplant team has told us to go to the ER. Brett and Ian headed to the local ER. The battery of tests began. The strep tests, and flu tests came back negative as did his chest x-ray so the doc there transferred him to MUSC the main hospital here in the area.

The doc at MUSC wants to keep him for at least 48 hour "rule out" period where they rule out certain things. CHOA team has been consulted and ordered an antibiotic that had to be given via an IV. The IV start wasn't pretty in terms of Ian's reaction (there was some major trauma with the three IV tries from the ER the night before). I was there solo with him for that....I guess that is "fair" as Brett was solo for the shots and IV tries the night before. Dealing with that level of trauma with your child is just torture of the worst type.

Ian is doing well clinically. His fever has since subsided as of early this AM and liver labs and ultrasound are good. He had labs drawn again tonight for viral screenings and we should have results tomorrow and are hoping they are of course negative.

We are all doing OK just tired from the lack of sleep and anxiousness of the ordeal. Thank you so very much to all who are thinking of us and praying for us.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

What a scare-and what trauma to deal with that all alone. Yikes. Be strong! Hire a sitter and take a long nap once you get home! much love...