Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Another Day

So we were hopefully going home today but no deal. Our doctor miscalcuated the time that we needed to we (meaning Brett and Ian) are there again tonight. We should, dare I say it, be home tomorrow.

On that news, we will be headed to Atlanta this Sunday. Thankfully we won't be going there tomorrow (that was a very real possibility until about 8:30pm tonight). We will at least have the weekend at home to recoup and my Mom (thank you so much Mom) will be joining up with me to make the drive and stay in Atlanta.

A huge thanks to my friend who was so kind to watch Livia all day for me so that I could be with Ian and Brett could attend to some work related things.

We will be in Atlanta from Sunday to at least Wednesday and possibly longer based on test results. The CHOA transplant team wants to evaulate Ian and run some specialized tests that are best conducted there.

I have some pictures of Ian in the MUSC play area from today but am exhausted so I'll post them in a future update. He loved the painting, thomas the train table, and his new love.....the air hockey table!


Amy said...

Hoping for a speedy discharge! Sounds like you are in a great place. My grandma has been in and out of MUSC and received good care. Hope you've had good experiences there. Just sorry you've had to be admitted at all.

Melinda said...

Glad to read the updates...I keep a check, wondering how Ian is doing...We're keeping the thoughts and prayers coming!