Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration is fast approaching....next week in fact. I'm trying to gather all the necessary documents to take with us and just wrote a letter to our transplant team asking them to write a letter back with all the following stuff to help us get through the registration process.

1. Information as to why Ian has not had all of his vaccinations.
2. Information that Ian will be on daily medication.
3. A statement regarding necessity of school absences for Ian to have for labs, clinic visits, etc.
4. Any information the transplant team typically recommends school officals be aware of with a transplant patient.

We are now facing a new round of things like....
1. Does the school have a nurse?
2. What time does the school day start b/c this will in turn affect Ian's prograf time.
3. What do we do if Ian is out for long periods of time?

I am thrilled at the thought of Kindergarten and some what scared at all these new hurdles. Expect pictures of the actual registration process next week.

1 comment:

Patricia Arav said...

This looks like a list I should print out and store for later. Nothing like to paperwork to keep you busy and bored. Good luck.