Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm great

I can't really complain that I haven't had much to update Ian's blog about. He had a round of flu but we managed to avoid going to the hospital thankfully. He is doing well in school (had a great first report card) and is learning to ride his bike quite well. Today we did a box tops page for his school as they are having a contest right now. He does a great job counting out the box tops for each sheet and then we tape them together.
We continue to work on swallowing the tic tacs so he can transition to a pill form of prograf. He is close but not quite there yet.

1 comment:

Patricia Arav said...

Shayna just chews on hers. The powder is apparently tasteless and the capsule just dissolves enough to swallow like normal food without thinking. So it'll probably be a lot easier than a tic-tac.