Monday, October 27, 2008

Waiting to swallow a pill.....

Ian had labs just after I came home from the hospital with our little girl, Livia Janene. He did a great job keeping the trend and went to get some french toast with Dad afterwards as a special treat. He loves French Toast and just to let everyone know...Waffle House does not have French Toast on their menu. Shocking we know and learned it the hard way.

Ian's lab values have fluctuated a bit, which is normal. His PELD is up just a bit but not too much. He'll need labs again at the beginning of November. He continues to be stable for which we are so grateful for.

We have a specialist visit in November at MUSC and then head to the CHOA transplant center for a clinic visit in December getting so see the beloved Dr. Romero.

While I've been somewhat out of commission healing from my c-section, Brett has taken on the medication dosing, etc. and has done a great job. He even reordered meds that were running low. I've been the one to do almost all the dosing, ordering, mixing, etc. and it was interesting trying to teach my mom how to use hte syringes, etc. as our backup medication person. I never realized that syringe technique is an art almost. I've just started on the medication tasks again for Ian and it has been nice to have a break. Oh for the days when Ian can swallow a pill!

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