Saturday, April 18, 2009

Four Months Later....

Four months post transplant and Ian is doing well--very very well. Doctors are all pleased and so are we. We are down considerably in meds, clinic visits, and labs which are all good things. I am still very much into germ-x and recently stocked up with 6 bottles of the stuff as I continue to have one stationed in every room.

We went to the Transplant Night at the Braves and it was wonderful! So grateful for the Braves for doing something like htat for the transplant kids. There was dinner, a meet hte player, parade around the field and then the game. It was super cold so Ian and Brett (Livy and I had already left) made it through the 6th inning.

Ian is slowly starting to gain weight again which is good. I would be suprised for him not to the way he eats....blame it on the steroids. He is still struggling a bit with dreams b/c of the prograf but those have become more managable. His energy level is through the roof--running everywhere!

Our transplant coordinator wants Ian to possibly be a poster child for CHOA and is putting us in touch with the necessary folks. She thinks Ian is so cute (so do we!) and has a great smile(so do we!) and a wonderful personality (so do we!) So ham it up Ian cuz we want you on some CHOA PR materials!!!